Programs & Ministries
St. Stephen’s is an active church family that hosts many programs and ministries. There are various programs from which parishioners can choose their level of involvement. Our ministries and programs are sorted into the following categories:
We invite visitors to our church and website to peruse these ministries and contact our main office if you would like more information.
Liturgical Ministries
These ministry teams help with our worship services each week.
Acolytes help worship to flow throughout the service. They help carry the cross and torches in procession, help with setting the altar at offertory, and generally help the clergy with the liturgy. We are always glad to have more volunteers.
Altar Guild helps with cleaning and polishing items in the sanctuary, laundering the linens, taking care of the flowers and candles, and ordering supplies.
Lectors help with reading the lessons and leading the intercessions (petitions) at worship.
Ushers are our ambassadors to newcomers and visitors. They arrive a little early on Sunday and help people find bulletins and places to sit and help with the offertory collection.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are specially trained to help administer the chalice at Communion.
The Choir provides music for the 10am service and special Holy days. It rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm and on Sunday mornings at 9am. If you can’t make a permanent commitment, you may sing for our special Christmas and Easter choirs.
Coffee Hour Hosts setup for coffee hour after Sunday services. They set out cups and napkins, make coffee, and provide half-and-half, pastries, and juice. Hosts are also responsible for clean-up, but many people always help out, so it goes quickly.

Pastoral Care
Our Pastoral Care ministries help care for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of our parishioners.
Pastoral Care Team members help keep track of our members in nursing homes and who are homebound, as well as those who are sick and families dealing with bereavement. Team members visit them, take them Communion, keep in touch with phone calls, and keep the parish clergy informed about any updates in their situations.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are a part of our Pastoral Care Team. They are specially trained to administered holy communion during a pastoral visit.
Card Ministry members gather to handwrite notes of encouragement, birthday cards, and anniversary cards to members of the parish.
Valentine Care Packages are made up every February, with snacks, notes, and cards, and distributed to members of the parish who are attending college and to those who are in nursing homes or are homebound.
Our Health Ministry is committed to helping educate members of the parish about health care concerns and to teach people about opportunities to increase their well-being.
The Prayer Chain is made up of parishioners who are committed to praying privately for those who have asked our church for intercession. As prayer requests come in, members of the Prayer Chain are updated.
These programs consist of social groups and enjoyable annual events held at St. Stephen’s.
The Men’s Group meets at the church on the first and third Saturdays of each month to study scripture and pray together.
Our St. Joseph’s Dinner is a delicious Italian feast, served in March, near the feast of St. Joseph. As part of the event, we collect items for our own St. Joseph’s Day altar; the donations are then given to the local food pantry.
The Yarn Club is made up of those who knit and crochet, who create blankets for Project Linus and Warm Up America. All levels of experience are welcome.
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper takes place the day before Ash Wednesday. We celebrate with a pancake supper, organized by the Men’s Group, and we have a Mardi Gras theme for activities and decorations.
The Mother’s Day Brunch is put on in May by men of the parish in honor of all the mothers of the parish.
The annual Blessing of the Pets takes place on the church’s front lawn at the beginning of October, near the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. It’s a time to celebrate our animal friends.
The Living Nativity is a reenactment of the Christmas story, told with musicians, narrators, actors, and animals, and it is put on for the community free-of-charge.

Outreach ministries consist of initiatives where our parishioners can help those who are in need.
The Community Harvest Project uses donations and volunteers to farm vegetables in Grafton. The produce then goes to local food pantries. Throughout the year, teams from our parish help with the work of the CHP farm.
Our Father’s Table is a feeding program in Marlborough that offers hot meals to those in need. We host the meal whenever there is a fifth Monday in the month. Help preparing and serving the food is always welcomed.
The Little Red Wagon is located in the narthex and collects items for the Westborough Food Pantry. Donated items are taken to the Pantry on a weekly basis.
The Giving Tree goes up every December with ornaments that describe a child’s age and wish-list item for Christmas. You are invited to buy a gift for a family in need and to return it to the tree.
United Thank Offering is a collection taken up once a year at St. Stephen’s, and other Episcopal Churches. The money goes to benefit numerous outreach causes around the world.
The Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) of Greater Worcester works in partnership with the faith community to provide shelter and assistance to families with children who are homeless. The program’s primary goals are to assist families in increasing their income and to help them secure permanent housing, while providing the critical support services necessary for them to succeed.
Christian Formation
We host multiple opportunities for people of various ages to learn more about God and our faith.
Communion Instruction (First Communion) Class teaches our young people about the Holy Eucharist. It is intended both for those who are preparing to receive Communion for the first time, as well as those who have been receiving since their baptisms as infants.
Education for Ministry is a four-year program that gives participants an in-depth look at Scripture, Theology, and Church Tradition. It meets weekly and helps participants to integrate what they learn with daily life.
Pilgrims in Christ is a catechesis program for those preparing for adult baptism, confirmation, reception into the Episcopal Church, or public reaffirmation of their baptismal vows. Each participant attends the monthly gatherings with his/her mentor. At the gatherings we learn more about the Christian Faith, share faith stories, and pray together.
The Advent Program takes place during the season of Advent.
The Lenten Program takes place during the season of Lent.
Vacation Bible School: St. Stephen’s participates in the ecumenical VBS program in Westborough each summer. The week-long event usually takes place in August.
Parish Life Ministries
Parish Life ministries help care for the inside and outside of our church, both physically and financially, as well as work to welcome newcomers to St. Stephen’s.
The Loafing Ministry bakes fresh loaves of bread and then delivers them to the church’s visitors after Sunday morning services, as a warm welcome on behalf of St. Stephen’s.
The Newcomers Ministry Team ensures that St. Stephen’s is doing everything it can to make visitors and newcomers feel welcomed and informed. They also put on a newcomers brunch periodically, to formally welcome new members to the parish.
The Fundraising Committee organizes fundraisers to raise money for the work and ministry of the parish.
The Property Committee helps maintain our building and grounds. They also coordinate a rotation of volunteers who mow the lawn each week in the spring and summer.
The Communications Team helps to get news to the parish and wider community about what’s going on at St. Stephen’s.