Lenten Offerings
Morning and Evening Prayer
During the season of Lent, please join us for morning and evening prayer on Fridays at 8:30 AM and 6:30 PM.
Wednesday Lenten Gatherings 2024
Please mark your calendars for Wednesdays in Lent when St. Paul’s and St. Stephen’s will lead a Lenten Study Group starting on February 21st. This year we will be studying 24 Hours That Changed The World by Adam Hamilton (the same author who wrote the Advent book that everyone loved).
The evening will be divided into three parts: worship, food, study. You are invited to all or part of the evening. Evening Prayer will begin at 6:00, Soup and Bread at 6:30, and the study will start around 7pm. If you would like the church office to purchase the book for you please let us know by Sunday, February 11th. You are also welcome to purchase the book yourself. Here is a link to amazon for your convenience.
Please look for the sign-up sheet in Fay Hall or call 508-366-4134 to sign up for this opportunity to worship, eat and learn together.